Thursday, March 10, 2011

4 Bits

Our 100th video is shot and in the can. It's currently marinating in delicious editing juices and waiting to be served to you, our loyal fans. Now, it's just my opinion because I'm in it, but it hilarious. Everything you like about Table 8 is in this one. Scott being awkward, random violence, edited out cursing, Nik. Everything.

We've got a few other videos just chomping at the bit after our 100th video as well, and they are barn burners as well.

Big news to come about Game Underthinker. Well, maybe not "big" big, but different and I think you'll all enjoy it.

Also, we've sent Snow Angels off to "Tosh.0" for consideration. We'll let you know what comes of that.

If he doesn't love it? I blame Peter.

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